Big sagebrush
Artemisia tridentataOne of the most sacred plants of the indigenous peoples of North America.
Also called desert sage (sagebrush), this plant species of the composite family grows mainly in the dry areas of the western USA, especially in the desert-like areas of the Great Basin. The silvery-grey, round shrub can reach a growth height of up to 3 m in wetter areas. Similar to sage, the sagebrush gives off an aromatic smell, but is not related to the sage plant.
Sagebrush is one of the holiest plants for many indigenous peoples of North America and has always been used in a variety of ways. There is no ritual among the prairie tribes that does not include burning sage. It is associated with the coyotes, a totem animal that stands for knowledge, cunning and the strength to master difficult situations.
To the Lakota, the sagebrush is a gift from the White Buffalo Calf Woman, who donated the first Sacred Pipe. At the same time, as a special gift, she brought the women the knowledge of the use of sage as a tea against illnesses and as a sacred incense in all ceremonies and prayers. In the traditional sweat lodge ritual, the floor of the lodge is covered with sagebrush so that its scent fills the sweat lodge during the ceremony. Sacred objects such as the sacred pipe, medicine bags etc. are purified with the smoke of the plant.
„At every sun dance we wear saga wreaths (with eagle feathers) on our heads, because it is a sign that our minds and hearts are close to the Great Spirit and his powers. The wreath represents the things of heaven, the stars and planets, which are mysterious and sacred.“ Black Elk
The sagebrush is then bundled into 20 cm long incense bundles (smudge sticks) that are burned at the end. Smoke is produced by fanning with an eagle feather, which has a very strong cleansing effect, drives away spirits of illness and negative energies and brings us back to our strength. Desert sage is also used as an infusion against colds or as a poultice for cuts. Today, sagebrush has become a symbol for the worship of nature as the truly divine. Its smoke connects “maka”, Mother Earth, with “wakan tanka”, the Great Spirit.