Trichilia catiguaThe highly praised Brazilian aphrodisiac.
Catuaba is a small, evergreen tree with an elongated, dense crown; it can grow to a height of 3 - 6 meters. The trunk can have a diameter of 15 - 20 cm. Its trunk and root bark has been a highly prized aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant throughout Brazil for centuries. In the state of Minas Gerais there is a saying: “Up to 60 you are the father, over 60 Catuaba is the father.” The indigenous Tupi tribe, who were the first to discover the qualities of the plant, composed many songs in its honor. A tea or extract of catuaba bark stimulates the nervous system and strengthens potency.
„Until sixty, you are the father,
Over sixty, catuaba is the father.“ Brazilian proverb
Regular use of catuaba leads to erotic dreams and increased sexual desire. The bark is also used in folk medicine to treat insomnia, stomach problems and depression. Catuaba is also rich in minerals and trace elements and has a regenerating and refreshing effect. The further chemical composition is still largely unknown. In Brazil, catuaba is often mixed with guarana and muira puama in alcohol, sweetened with honey and offered as a love potion. Like most herbal aphrodisiacs, catuaba is equally effective for men and women; even after many years of use, there are no signs of any side effects.
The vitalizing power of catuaba can be found in our herbal liqueurs Satyr and Amazonic Jungle Tonic.