Turnera aphrodisiacaThe love potion of the Mayas.
The aromatic, fragrant damiana shrub, which grows up to two meters high and has yellow flowers, belongs to the saffron mallow genus (Turnera) and was probably already used as a medicine and love potion by the Central American Mayan people in prehistoric times. The natural range of Damiana extends from southern North America to Brazil. The center of Damiana cultivation and use is in Mexico, where the herb grows wild in dry, warm zones. Free-growing damiana is said to have stronger healing powers. It is a well-known and valued medicine among almost all indigenous peoples of Central and South America. Damiana means “asthma plant” in the Mayan language and is traditionally drunk as a tea for asthma and bronchitis. However, damiana is mainly used as a tonic and aphrodisiac, which is why it is also known as “shirt remover”.
As a tea or alcoholic herbal extract, it promotes blood circulation in the abdomen and has a relaxing and antispasmodic effect - probably also on inhibiting ideas and thoughts. Damiana tea or extract can be taken regularly over several weeks to stimulate desire. The herb is also used very successfully for menstrual cramps. Smoking or smoking damiana has a slightly euphoric effect. Especially in the USA, where it is now grown on a large scale, it is also widely used as capsules or pills.
We use the sensual properties of damiana in our herbal kick Venuswave and in Aphrodite bitters.