Yawanawa – Tsunu
Rapé – wild and earthy
The very small tribe of the Yawanawa (“The White-bearded Pekari”) consists of only a few villages. The tribe members are known to be people who follow their traditional path even through difficult times. More recently, their numbers are growing again and they are very keen on preserving and sharing their knowledge and traditions. For the Yawanawa, snakes hold deep meaning, representing ambassadors of their ancestors.
This rapé awakens, clarifies and cleanses - it contains mainly tobacco, tsunu ash (Platycyamus regnelli) and other secret ingredients. This particular recipe comes from a woman who is politically and spiritually committed to preserving the rights and traditions of her people. In particular, the preservation of women’s knowledge and the rights of women within the tribe.
Incense to burn on charcoal.